Friday, June 20, 2014

Matha Kuar Shrine

Matha Kuar Shrine : Main Gate

This shrine is situated near to Mahaparinirvana Temple and it has a statue of Lord Buddha dating back to the 10th Century.This is said it is built on a single stone.The statue depicts Loard Buddha in Bhumisparsha Mudra (earth-touching attitude).

Matha Kuar Shrine

Below are few lines about this place which you can find near to the real site.

This shrine with a colossal statue of Buddha forms the part of a large monastic complex.The statue, 3.05 m. in height is carved out of blue stone of the Gaya region and represents Buddha under Bodhi tree in the Bhumisparsha Mudra (earth-touching attitude). The inscription on the pedestal of the image datable to 10-11th century A.D. records the construction of the shrine by a local Kalachuri chief.

The excavations, conducted in 1876 A.D. by Carlleyle and later by archaeologists revealed the original shrine on the west with the Buddha statue surrounded by an ambulatory path and a monastery attached to the east consisting of an open courtyard with rows of rooms on north, south and east. The existing temple housing the Buddha image was built in 1927 A.D.

The entire complex once formed part of a large group of subsidiary monuments surrounding the main stupa and Nirvana temple.

Near to the shrine,there is also some Ruins of ancient monasteries.

Ruins of ancient monasteries & Matha Kuar Shrine

Rare fact about the Matha Kuar Shrine:

There is believe in Hindu Community that "Whomsoever bow before Lord Buddha on Buddha Purnima  blessed with a Kuar (i.e. son)."

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